ART PROJECTS > Variations On Mary

Rachel Reynolds Mary Series
Mary Dressed for a Cause: Black
colored pencil on Dura-Lar
5" x 7"

The Ghost Mary series yielded a desire to portray the icon in something other than the perpetual blue. I imagine that she might enjoy having a broader range of wardrobe options. The series, inspired by religious lawn ornamentation located in Sterling Heights, MI, presents Mary in seven different colored robes, (a week's worth of laundry).

Mary Dressed for a Cause, documents the religious lawn ornamentation I’ve observed while on recent walks in my childhood neighborhood of Sterling Heights, MI. While the icon of the Virgin Mary is a popular statue for Catholics in general, the abundance of this figure placed in front of one’s home represents evidence of the growing Catholic Iraqi population in southeast Michigan and the freedom Chaldeans have to express their faith here without persecution. Taking further notice of the whimsical suburban practice of dressing animal statues to celebrate athletic teams or seasonal holidays, I’ve witnessed statuary geese in graduation cap & gown, sporting a red wings jersey or donning a witch’s hat. Just as front lawns are a venue to display décor, religious sculptures or political signage, one’s choice in apparel is another avenue for sharing one’s tastes and beliefs. I imagine that a contemporary Virgin Mary might choose to dress in support of a cause and thus I have drawn her sporting activist ribbons with matching colored robes.

The BLACK Awareness Ribbon represents various causes, including:

Sleep Apnea
Amish Support
Gun Control