ART PROJECTS > Riding Detroit's Public Bus System

Warm Chroma Scheme: Hats, Slacks, Collars & Cuffs, Shirts, Shoes, Sacks & Suspenders
Warm Chroma Scheme: Hats, Slacks, Collars & Cuffs, Shirts, Shoes, Sacks & Suspenders
acrylic paint, colored pencil on Dura-Lar
26" x 32"

The works in the series, “Isolated Observation: Color Separations” ultimately document the details of a culture within a place, (bus-riders in Detroit), at a specific time (day of the week, month of the year).

My view however, is often obstructed, which results in fragmented shapes of color. Plotting the subjects accurately in space reveal multiple overlapping shapes, which represent passengers coming and going from a particular seat over time. Limiting my drawing to depict only those items of a pre-determined color eliminates many clues of context. For all these reasons the drawings appear abstract, but are simultaneously quite representational.

photo: PD Rearick