ART PROJECTS > If You Haven't Heard, Now You Know: RaRoCo

Loaded with meaning potato painting linen gold leaf small
Loaded with Meaning
acrylic, oil, gold leaf, graphite on linen & polypropylene potato sack
8.5" x 11"

“Why potatoes?” people ask. “Because they are loaded with meaning…!”

Potatoes serve as a representation of sustenance. Value is embodied in that sustainability despite their modest appearance. As an art object, the potato is not pretentious, but familiar and accessible to the viewer. It is democratic in that it is present on the dinner plates of both the rich and poor, consumed by supporters of both the left and right. A potato is evidence of the labor involved in both sowing and harvesting. It is a vegetable ripe with the potential to bridge the gap between the mundane and the spiritual.

What does it mean to you?

painting: Rachel Reynolds Z
photo: PD Rearick